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Scot and Emily McKay - Dating Coaches / Relationship Coaches For Men And Women

Meeting and relating in the 21st century is more complex–and more potentially frustrating–than ever before. It’s as if everything is conspiring to keep you from meeting the man or woman of your dreams.

Our busy schedules are a major part of that. But friends and acquaintances move in and out of our lives so fast. Social media continues to replace real-world interaction at an alarming pace.

Meanwhile, the rules have all changed. There’s online dating. Apps like Tinder and Bumble. Does anyone ever meet in the real world anymore? That’s why more people than ever before are stacking the odds in their favor by hiring a personal dating coach.

Ten-Plus Coaching Gets Results Fast

Finally finding the love of your life doesn’t necessarily mean that there won’t be very real challenges along the way.

If you’re overwhelmed when it comes to getting out and meeting new people, you’re not alone…and it’s not your fault. What you’re experiencing is not only understandable, it’s become normal in this day and age…especially post-pandemic.

Even so, you may have unique circumstances and sticking points that only the personal touch of dating coaching can bring to light.


CALL DIRECTLY (9:00am – 9:00pm Eastern, M-F)

Are you in the United States or Canada? Is it within business hours right now? Text or call now.

(210) 260-6400

I've been in the field of psychotherapy and consulting for 55 years. I have just met Scot recently but he is the most genuine, creative, likable and successful person I've ever met in the coaching field. I can't wait to talk to him again.Homer McDonald (www.stopyourdivorce.com)
Get The Happy Relationship You Deserve


Both of us know what it’s like to experience heartbreak and to pick up the pieces afterward. Fortunately, we’ve also bounced back and enjoyed a thriving dating life. Today, we live the dream as a happy couple in a way that few believe is even possible anymore. And now it’s your turn to get what you want and deserve. No aspect of your life matters more, and the time to start making up for lost time is now.

Hi Scot and Emily! I want to thank you both for the time you spent with me on the phone last night. Your input regarding my problem helped me more than you can imagine.

For the first time I feel reassured and hopeful that I can have a romantic future. I had felt so hopeless for so long. I can't believe how fortunate I was to counsel with a man and a woman at the same time.

You two have been a blessing to me! Take care, God bless you! Your friend and fan...Terri (Urgent Consultation / Louisville, KY)

So How Does It All Work?

“As my dating coaches, what exactly will you do for me?”

You have your own unique goals. We focus on you as an individual, empowering you so your dreams become reality.

We impart knowledge directly and encourage you all the while. You’ve got to hear what your friends won’t ever tell you, but from someone you know has your best interests at heart.

Such is our gift and our passion. That’s why you’ll always work with Scot and/or Emily or another established, professional coach of your choice.

Dating coaching is not about deconstructing or re-living the past and picking up the pieces. After all, you’re not broken, you’re motivated. By answering “how” instead of “why”, you can count on looking toward the future with well-defined goals in mind. That’s why every Ten-Plus coaching program comes with a unique planning session at the beginning, during which we’ll build a customized plan of action together with you. Otherwise, if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.

Best of all, a character-based approach offers you a genuine, life-changing road map rather than just a quick fix. It’s all about deserving what you want.

We’ll also help remove roadblocks, give you a winning mindset, unwire any bad programming from the past and–importantly–give you our undivided attention in a world where that’s increasingly rare.

Along the way, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by forward-thinking innovations such as MP3 archives of your coaching sessions, video coaching options, interactive assignments between sessions and the built-in ability to contact your coach at any time whenever questions or situations arise.

“Who do you work with?”

If we were to hold a party for everyone we’ve ever coached, you’d be amazed and impressed by how smart, successful and interesting everyone in the room is.  The names of several famous people would likely be familiar to you already.

The vast majority of the men and women we work with are accomplished, high-quality people of character with quite a lot going for them. What they have in common is a sincere desire to find the right track in life and/or the right person to share the journey with, and they’re extremely motivated.

Some are recently divorced and determined to move on in the right direction. Many come to us because we both have ex-spouses who suffer from mental illness, and their stories are similar. Others have prioritized their career or other dreams above finding their significant other.

Still others are simply ready to handle life more skillfully than they ever have before. They want to eliminate shyness, live with more purpose, go on more adventures and/or leave a more powerful legacy. Some want to leave the work-a-day rat race behind and savor the true freedom of location-independent entrepreneurship. Others aspire to building thriving coaching practices of their own.

Whatever the next frontier is, we take men and women all over the world from where they are today to where they want to be.

“What if I’m in a relationship that’s on the rocks and struggling?”

We work with men and women who are in long-term relationships almost every day, including plenty of couples. Like them, you’ll find that relationship coaching is a powerful alternative when counseling just doesn’t cut it.

Sure, Scot and Emily have been together for over nineteen blissful years, so that track record speaks for itself. But just as importantly, we can impart the secrets to a happy relationship to you while helping you get past rough patches or remove potential hazards along the way.

Even if you’re at wit’s end and considering divorce, definitely consult us before ending your relationship. You definitely have options in the realm between counseling and divorce court. Relationship coaching is all about actionable steps and looking toward the future.

“Can you be my dating coaches no matter where I live?”

Not at all! We’re in contact with men all over the world including the United States, Canada, Latin America, UK, Europe, India, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Rim and the Middle East.

The magic of Zoom, WhatsApp and broadband video makes it all possible, and we’ve found time and again that success is by no means limited by geography.

If you happen to live in Central or South Texas (e.g. here in San Antonio) and would like to work with us live and in-person, that’s certainly a great idea. Those who live elsewhere often fly to San Antonio for coaching as well.

“What makes your dating coaching different?”

While some coaches may argue for either the male or female perspective, we give you both. As a happily married couple who each enjoyed a respectively vibrant, healthy dating life prior to finding each other, we truly “walk the talk”.  The entire coaching team at X & Y Communications has been hand-picked with those same priorities in mind. We all live what we teach, proving every day that what we do flat-out works. We don’t just offer you theoretical ideas, we empower you with actionable, real-world steps to success.

You can rest assured that your coach is highly experienced and effective. Whether it’s Scot, Emily or a specialist of your choice, you’ll know who your coach is by name before you even sign up.  You’ll never be handed down to a junior “surrogate”. We don’t believe in credibility by association, and neither should you.

Importantly, you’re also backed by the track record of over eighteen continuous years of consistently empowering men and women all over the world. Over that time we’ve become a globally-recognized presence. Everyone on our team is widely recognized as being among the very best in the world at what we do.

It all adds up to an unprecedented level of peace of mind, knowing that you’re working with proven, professional experts.

“Can you help me with my online business?”

As we operate a highly successful Internet-based business, we’re often asked this question.

Yes…you can come to us specifically for business coaching, and we’ll deliver stunning results for you.  We coach entrepreneurs to greatness on a regular basis.

Importantly, you can also custom design your coaching programs to be a hybrid of sorts, incorporating sessions on entrepreneurship, dating, relationships and/or other areas. As always, ask and it shall be done.

“This sounds great… So why am I feeling nervous?”

That’s only natural. For many, the status quo has become a daily habit. That means that circling today on the calendar as the day you start getting what you want can be intimidating at first.

The biggest concern we hear from both men and women is that they’ll work with us wholeheartedly, only to experience minimal, if any measurable results. For them, that would be more painful than never having tried at all.

We fully understand that fear, and that’s where it’s up to us to do our job. After having worked with hundreds of men and women directly, we recognize your potential and are experienced experts at getting results. Remember…in over nineteen years nobody we’ve worked with has ever failed.

Much like going skydiving, jumping out of the plane is by far the hardest part. Once you go for it you’ll feel the exhilaration of the adventure and the thrill of conquering your trepidation, especially after you land safely.

My best friend came to visit me this week. He met my new girlfriend and remarked not only on how cute she was, but on the chemistry between her and I. Trust me, before Ten-Plus I would have laughed in anyone's face if they told me that would happen.Frank (Ten-Plus / Boston, MA)

What can I expect?

  • Work directly with globally-renowned dating coaches Scot and Emily McKay.
  • Over 19 years of direct dating and relationship coaching experience
  • Gain access to an expanded team of world-class experts
  • Your plan of action will be custom-tailored to your specific needs.
  • Scheduling is at your convenience.
  • You can count on experienced, respectful professionalism.
  • We've worked directly with hundreds of men and women worldwide.
  • Your privacy is assured.
  • You'll see real-world results in record time.
  • Our 100% guarantee is we will be the last coaches you ever need for this part of your life.
  • Introductory Program

    • FREE 30-minute exploratory session
    • 2 full 60-minute strategy sessions
    • 20 minutes of offhand tactical consultation in between sessions, on demand
    • Unlimited e-mail coaching support until one week after the second session
    • Real-world action steps between calls
    • Cost can be applied 100% to a Ten-Plus Classic or Ten-Plus Express program
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    Are you just getting to know us around here at X & Y Communications? You like what you’re hearing, but want to make sure working with us is as good a fit as you think it will be? That’s exactly what the Introductory Program is for. You get two full sessions and a block of offhand time in between to cover what comes up. We’re confident that our nearly 20 years of experience will prove valuable to you, and you’ll start seeing real-world results that quickly. What’s more, our 100% satisfaction guarantee applies, and we’ll even roll the cost of the introductory program into a Ten-Plus Classic or Ten-Plus Express program for you if you so choose. You can’t lose…and you have everything to gain.

    Ten-Plus Classic

    • The time-proven golden standard of dating coaching programs
    • Planning session
    • 10 customized topics covered with Scot or Emily McKay
    • Up to 30 minutes of phone time between sessions
    • Unlimited e-mails between sessions, priority e-mail address
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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    Your customized one-on-one program begins with an initial planning call that determines exactly where you are and where you want to be in your dating life. We spend as much time with you as it takes to formulate an outline of ten sessions, custom-crafted to your unique needs and laser-focused on getting your goals met. Once you’ve approved the outline, get ready to embark upon ten customized topics guaranteed to challenge you and motivate you to go from good to great in your relationships. Plan on achieving powerful breakthroughs, backed by targeted field assignments between calls designed to put your discoveries into action. Each of these sessions is scheduled at your convenience and the program is followed at your pace. You can expect each core consultation to be a minimum of an hour in length. It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, as we can communicate via phone or video-conference. And yes, sessions can be held in person here in San Antonio, TX at no extra charge, if you prefer. But importantly, Ten-Plus isn’t just a series of coaching calls. You can contact us on the fly for brief consultations–up to thirty minutes between sessions–while enjoying the ability to ask questions via e-mail as well. Choose the option of having your ten main sessions recorded in MP3 format for future reference. Plus, all five of Scot McKay’s e-books are presented to you at no extra charge during the course of the program. Your success is our mission: online dating, image makeover, restoring a broken relationship, creating attraction, pickup and seduction strategy, first date strategy, understanding and decoding the other sex, dating after divorce, even relationship management. Complete satisfaction is assured, backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. This is an exclusive feature that you won’t find anywhere else, and we can only offer such a guarantee because Ten-Plus is effective…perhaps even beyond your own expectations. Ten-Plus represents your golden opportunity to put us directly to work for you as your personal trainers for dating and relationship success. So why not make a bold move to get what you truly want in what’s unquestionably the most important area of life? E-mail us today and tell us your story, being sure to let us know how to contact you. If you already know that Ten-Plus is for you, reserve your spot today.

    Ten-Plus Express

    • Excellent for those on a budget, and scalable upon request
    • 2-hour planning session
    • 5 customized topics covered with Scot or Emily McKay
    • Up to 30 minutes of phone time between sessions
    • Unlimited e-mails between sessions, priority e-mail address
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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    The Ten-Plus Express coaching plan offers all of the benefits of Ten-Plus Classic, but in a “lite” version. After a two hour planning session, you’ll be on track for a guided plan of five customized topics. You can call Scot and Emily in between scheduled sessions for up to thirty minutes, and send up to five questions between sessions via e-mail. If you know you want the structure and direction provided by having a plan in place, then Ten-Plus Express bridges the gap between a few offhand sessions and Ten-Plus Classic. It’s a great way to tune up any sticking points you have, get off the sidelines and meet someone special once and for all. As with all other X & Y Communications coaching programs, Ten-Plus Express is fully guaranteed to bring you real-word success or your money back. To get the ball rolling, E-mail us today and tell us your story. Be sure to give us a way to contact you by phone.

    Ten-Plus Platinum

    • The power of Ten-Plus, only with greater flexibility and more unstructured time between sessions
    • Planning session
    • 10 customized topics covered with Scot or Emily McKay
    • 8 hours of unstructured phone time OR 1 8-hour session on-site in San Antonio, TX, with airport transfers
    • Up to 45 minutes of tactical phone time between sessions
    • Unlimited e-mail coaching between sessions, priority e-mail address
    • Preferred scheduling, short notice and/or weekend availability
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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    Ten-Plus goes platinum with a preferred level of personalized service designed to skyrocket you to ultimate success with MOTOS in record time. In addition to every service included in Ten-Plus Classic, you’ll enjoy up to 45 minutes of on-demand phone time in between sessions and unlimited e-mail coaching. Platinum level status also entitles you to preferred scheduling, even on short notice and/or during weekends. Plus, you enjoy the benefit of having both Scot and Emily on your core sessions instead of one or the other. But it’s the inclusion of a full-day (8 hours) on-site session with Scot and/or Emily in San Antonio, TX that really sets Ten-Plus Platinum apart. The added benefit of that extra measure of live, in-person coaching cannot be underestimated. If you prefer, that extra eight hours can be used for additional tactical phone time, taking place on an off-hand basis in between sessions. E-mail us today and share your story with us. Get started on your customized Ten-Plus Platinum journey today. Success is 100% guaranteed.

    Ten-Plus Live

    • Live, in-field 1-on-1 coaching with Scot and Emily McKay
    • Planning session
    • 3 preparatory telephone sessions with Scot or Emily
    • Airport transfers, ground transportation
    • Evening One: Greeting / briefing session
    • Day Two: 8-Hour intensive session with Scot or Emily
    • Evening Two: Dinner and night on the town with Scot and Emily
    • Day Three: 8-Hour intensive session with Scot or Emily
    • Evening Three: Dinner and practical evening in-field with Scot and Emily
    • Day Four: Breakfast debriefing with Scot and Emily / final 2-hour intensive session
    • All dining, entertainment and incidentals on-site in San Antonio
    • Up to 7 follow-up phone sessions with Scot or Emily
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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    By Special Arrangement Only: Live, in-person, and 100% customized attention dedicated to one singular purpose: preparing you for ultimate success. If you want direct coaching in areas where there’s just no substitute for on-site interaction, then Ten-Plus Live is for you. Get rid of shyness and approach anxiety by directly interacting with MOTOS (members of the other sex) under the guidance of Scot and Emily. Gain unstoppable confidence in starting and maintaining conversations, even as you discover powerful secrets to sparking attraction…and set them in motion. Fine-tune how you present yourself, get a style makeover if you’d like or even discover and finally defeat those “hidden detractors” that have been holding you back, but which none of your friends would ever tell you about. It all begins with an advance planning session via phone, followed by delivery of your custom-crafted itinerary. This makes certain your experience is absolutely personalized to your exact specifications, even down to the fine details. There’s sure to never be a dull moment. From there you enjoy three one-hour phone sessions ahead of your scheduled weekend, designed to give you solid preparation for an unstoppable mindset. Your Ten-Plus Live weekend itself begins when you land in the warm, friendly and culturally rich city of San Antonio, TX on the evening of Day One. Scot or Emily will personally meet you at the airport. Enjoy a casual briefing session over a drink or two before getting a good night’s sleep ahead of an action packed schedule ahead. On Day Two, spend eight hours asking all the questions you’d like, while getting a head start in-field discovering the upper limits of what’s possible with meeting and attracting women. That evening, join Scot and Emily for dinner on San Antonio’s famed Riverwalk followed by a night out on the town. Day Three incorporates another eight hours of custom-tailored instruction and/or in-field work. There’s plenty of time for building strong personal presence, a full image consultation and–of course–directly meeting and interacting with MOTOS (members of the other sex) all over town. How can Scot and Emily be both happily married and among the best in-field dating coaches in the world? Witness the magic for yourself, and leave more empowered than you can imagine. You’ll probably need a bit of time to rest up before another amazing dinner followed by another full evening out in San Antonio, offering you an objective opportunity to put everything covered into direct practice. You can count on meaningful examples and direct input from Scot and Emily, all the way until 2am if you’d like. You’ll quickly discover how their own unique and at times challenging experiences on the road to excellence ensure that they’re in your corner encouraging you exactly as you’d expect from true professionals. The San Antonio experience culminates on Day Four with a casual debriefing over breakfast and another two hour session (perhaps to the weekend farmer’s market to meet more women) before heading back to the airport. You’ll probably have no problem sleeping on the plane. But that’s not where Ten-Plus Live ends. You also get up to seven follow-up phone sessions with Scot or Emily, effectively rolling all the power of Ten-Plus Classic into the program. That way, you continue to build on your skills and apply them in the real world upon return from your long weekend in San Antonio. You can schedule these follow-up calls at your pace and your convenience once you return home. You will also receive all five of Scot McKay’s books upon completion of the experience. Top-flight meals, entertainment and incidentals are included, as is all ground transportation from the the moment you arrive in San Antonio until when you depart. Transportation to and from San Antonio and lodging arrangements are the responsibility of the customer, which we are happy to provide logistical assistance with. E-mail us today to request scheduling and reserve your spot, as space is extremely limited to ensure top quality.

    Laser Coaching

    • The newest and most innovative way to get results
    • 30-minute kickoff session
    • Unlimited 20-minute laser sessions
    • Real-world action steps between calls
    • Unlimited e-mail coaching support
    • A full year (365 days) of service
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
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    You have a thriving career, family commitments and a million other urgent items on your agenda. What precious free time you have you would like to spend on what you’re most passionate about. You work hard and play hard. Yet, there are clear and present obstacles between you and the results you really want…with women, in relationships, in your social life, or even in your career. The challenge is finding time to clear the hurdles and move forward. You instinctively know you must do so. Without question, the rewards would be great, if you could only tackle the issues with laser precision. The concept behind laser coaching is as simple as it gets. You have the power to schedule as many focused, 20-minute sessions as you would like over the course of a full year. You decide the topic of each call or Skype session ahead of time, together we’ll get it handled with maximum efficiency, and you’ll emerge from the call with clearly defined and tangible action steps. Complete the mission at hand, then schedule the next call at will. In between, you’ll have the ability to reach out via e-mail whenever you would like. You need not be concerned over using up all of your sessions, as there are no limits on the number of them you can have. There are no worries over rushing through the program too quickly. Laser coaching is at your pace, and for a full year you can always count on the next session being available to you…even on short notice.

    It all kicks off with a full 30-minute session, making sure your most immediate and pressing needs are met on the spot.  If either of us feels it is not a good fit at that time, you will be refunded 100%.

    The Focus Program

    • A structured plan of action for maximum momentum and accountability
    • Streamlined to solve the most common sticking points, so you hit the ground running
    • 8 full 1-on-1 sessions, scheduled at regular bi-weekly intervals
    • Confidence-inspiring results in a cost-effective package
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
    • Women's version available
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    Focus is a 16-week 1-on-1 coaching program featuring 9 bi-weekly sessions with Scot or Emily McKay. Each session will focus on a specific topic that is crucial to achieving the dating life you want and getting the relationship you deserve:

    • Identifying And Selecting The Right Woman
    • Boldness / Confidence
    • Masculine Presence / Attraction
    • Meeting Women / Conversation / Communication
    • Moving To A Physical / Sexual Relationship
    • Sexual Mastery
    • Online Dating / Apps
    • Relationship Management

    Alternate Topics:

    • Unwiring The Past / Moving On From A Dysfunctional Relationship
    • Dating After Divorce
    • Personal Style
    • Planning And Running Dates

    See the women’s version here.

    Rapid Relationship Coaching

    • Exclusively for those who are ready to find the love of a lifetime
    • Planning session
    • 10 customized topics covered with Scot or Emily McKay
    • 10 additional hours of unstructured phone consultation time
    • Up to 30 minutes of follow-up phone time between targeted sessions
    • 1 3-hour follow-up phone visit after completion of the core program
    • 1 4-hour onsite visit in San Antonio, Texas
    • Unlimited e-mail coaching between sessions, priority e-mail address
    • Preferred scheduling, short notice and/or weekend availability
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
    • All 15 major multimedia programs from X & Y Communications
    • Option to have Scot McKay officiate your wedding
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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    If you’re finally sick and tired of spinning your wheels only to end up dating the wrong person time and time again, the Rapid Relationship program is designed specifically for you…with fast results in mind. After a targeted planning session, you’ll get right down to business with Scot and Emily. Your customized Rapid Relationship program is laser-focused on clearing out all the obstacles separating you from an amazing relationship with the partner of your dreams. Uncover and eliminate any stumbling blocks from the past, clear out any hidden detractors that your friends will never tell you about and put an end to destructive patterns that have robbed you of the success you know you deserve. From there, look forward to a stunning personal transformation whereby you’ll begin meeting and dating only those who fit the exact description of the type of potential mate you’ve always wanted. You’ll also discover exactly what it takes to start a promising relationship the right way, avoid any negative habits that tend to creep in at the beginning and enjoy a blissful lifetime with the right person. You can even look forward to getting in on every proven secret Scot and Emily know when it comes to maximizing happiness and long-term success. Yes, you can and will overcome the high divorce rate and avoid costly, heartbreaking legal battles. And what’s more, you can defy the odds and have the hot, happy and amazing relationship that so few people ever get a chance to experience nowadays. There are clear, objective ways to make a relationship work. Scot and Emily back up what they teach with the evidence of their own wonderful relationship every single day, a unique testament to the true power of what you’ll discover in your Rapid Relationship coaching program.

    Ten-Plus Professional

    • The first-ever comprehensive mentoring program for prospective dating and relationship coaches
    • Planning session
    • 2-hour mid-program briefing
    • 20 customized topics covered with Scot or Emily McKay
    • 3 full-day sessions on-site in San Antonio, TX, with airport transfers (up to 8 hours each)
    • Up to 30 minutes of tactical phone time between sessions
    • Unlimited e-mail coaching between sessions, priority e-mail address
    • Preferred scheduling, short notice and/or weekend availability
    • Insider's training on becoming a professional dating/relationship coach
    • VIP access to Scot and Emily after completion of the program
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
    • All 15 major multimedia programs from X & Y Communications
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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    Limited Availability: Imagine gaining every advantage you’ve ever dreamed of when it comes to dating and relationship success. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But then imagine being empowered to impart everything you know to others–as a legitimate dating expert in your own right. Add it all together and you’ve got the one and only Ten-Plus Professional program. Combining all the elements of Ten-Plus Platinum with direct mentorship as a dating coach, Ten-Plus Professional truly lives up to its name. Think about it…not only will you achieve mastery with members of the other sex, you’ll be fully prepared to launch a new career doing what you love and changing lives all the while. Only a select few will be accepted to participate in the Ten-Plus Professional program, and a preliminary interview directly with Scot McKay is mandatory. Once on board, you can plan on an intensive 20 session track, complete with an unlimited planning session and 2 hour mid-program briefing. You get three full-day on-site sessions with Scot and Emily, plus the unprecedented privilege of VIP access to other well known experts in the dating and relationship niche. In addition, you’ll even receive all ten of Scot’s multimedia programs to go along with all five of his books. E-mail us if you’re ready for the most exclusive adventure in the X & Y Communications portfolio of 1-on-1 coaching services. Serious inquiries only, please.

    Signature Coaching

    • Complete coverage until meeting the woman of your dreams, and for up to 8 months after
    • Planning session
    • Customized plan of action prior to meeting the woman of your dreams (10 topics)
    • Customized plan of action upon meeting the woman of your dreams (10 topics)
    • Full day on-site here in San Antonio (up to 10 hours)
    • Full day on-site at your location (up to 10 hours)
    • Unlimited tactical phone time on-demand
    • Unlimited soulmate screening calls
    • Unlimited e-mail coaching between sessions, priority e-mail address
    • Online dating concierge and matchmaker liason services
    • Preferred scheduling, short notice and/or weekend availability
    • All 15 major multimedia programs from X & Y Communications
    • All 5 of Scot McKay's books
    • Option to have Scot McKay officiate your wedding
    • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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    Limited Availability: Over the past thirteen years, X & Y Communications has reached over half a million men and been featured in over 500 media outlets. Throughout that tenure of uninterrupted service, the Ten-Plus Coaching Program has set the gold standard of excellence in the world of dating and relationship coaching. It has often been imitated, but its elegantly effective design and 100% track record of success for hundreds of men has never been duplicated. But now the bar has been raised in grand fashion. For the first time ever, you can access an elite class of service approaching that of our invitation-only $100,000 program. This Signature Coaching program is specifically designed for the man whose accomplishments are significant, and now desires the ultimate woman to share his life with. Signature Coaching features a wealth of key benefits that differentiate it dramatically from any other coaching program in the world. First and foremost, you will rest in the full assurance that we will be the first and last coaches you will ever need. The commitment to serve you is unconditionally guaranteed until you meet the woman of your dreams, and for up to eight months afterward. The Signature Coaching program also delivers two full tracks of strategic coaching; one to fully prepare you for meeting the right woman, and a separate plan of action after you meet her. Additionally, you can expect unlimited phone or video conversation time on demand, covering every tactical or off-hand topic that comes up. Naturally, unlimited e-mail support is included as well. The program also includes on-site sessions of a full day each in both San Antonio, TX and your location of choice, respectively. For the first time ever, Signature Coaching also offers unlimited soulmate screening calls and an all-inclusive online dating concierge service. You can even expect full liaison service between you and any matchmakers you have employed.

    CALL DIRECTLY (9:00am – 9:00pm Eastern, M-F)

    Are you in the United States or Canada? Is it within business hours right now? Text or call now.

    (210) 260-6400

    1-On-1 Consultation Session

    Put Scot and/or Emily to work for you. Package includes 1 core session (minimum 1 hour), 2 20-minute follow up sessions and unlimited e-mail coaching for 1 month. The core session can take place via Skype or in person, dependent on location. Designed to deliver you through an isolated issue or situation, you get custom, personalized assistance beyond what you’ll find in e-books or programs. E-mail us or call (210) 260-6400 for more information.


    Urgent Consultation

    Do you have an immediate, pressing need? Sometimes the right answers simply cannot wait. Contact Scot or Emily on the fly and get highly-focused and concise mentorship to help get you out of a social bind, survive a faux pas or to help make an imminent and crucial step the right one.  E-mail us or call (210) 260-6400 for top-priority scheduling. Round-the-clock availability on a worldwide basis–an X & Y Communications exclusive.


    Pre-Marital Coaching

    Gain assurance on whether or not the man or woman you are with is “The One”.  Or, get rock-solid clarity as a couple for your wedding and a happy, fulfilling marriage. Package includes 1 core session (minimum 1 hour), 2 20-minute follow up sessions and unlimited e-mail coaching until 60 days past your wedding day.  The core session can take place via Skype or in person, dependent on location. You get custom, personalized assistance beyond what you’ll find in e-books or programs. E-mail us or call (210) 260-6400 for more information.


    Stop the Breakup

    Is your relationship in imminent danger of falling apart? Contact us immediately for direct coaching. Your best strategy for stopping it from happening is available to you RIGHT NOW. A no-charge five minute consultation is all it takes to discern feasibility. From there, your personalized strategy for halting the breakup in its tracks is delivered on a prioritized basis ASAP. E-mail us or call (210) 260-6400 for priority scheduling.



    Think of it. In this society we educate ourselves for years to prepare for a successful career. We hit golf balls by the bucket at the driving range to improve our game. But when it comes to finding someone to spend the rest of our lives with, the vast majority of us wait around passively…enduring heartbreaking failures along the way, and eventually waking up to far less than we hoped for. So take the first step today. Contact us via e-mail, phone or Skype or by using the form below to find out about how putting us to work as your personal trainers for dating and relationships can end your frustration and get you where you want to be. Your twenty-five minute introductory session is free of charge. This brief but powerful call will help you pinpoint what exactly you want, identify what’s holding you back and give you newfound inspiration to enjoy the success you deserve. Now is the time to kiss mediocrity goodbye…forever. You never, ever have to settle for anyone less than the man or woman of your dreams.

    Have questions? We’ve got answers!

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    Scot and Emily McKay

    Scot and Emily McKay are professional dating and relationship coaches, authors and podcast hosts. Together they founded X & Y Communications in San Antonio, TX, which focuses on equipping and empowering men and women who want to go from good to great in their relationships.

    They reach over 300,000 people all over the world through their newsletters, podcasts and social media. They are the authors of ten books between them, including four Amazon #1 bestsellers, and have been featured by over 400 media outlets worldwide.

    Both Scot and Emily are Traveler’s Century Club members, having explored well over 100 countries together, often with their four children. Their travel blog and podcast can be found at www.wingitworldwide.com.